General Excellence
Excellence from the beginning
about general excellence
Based at the Western Campus, General Excellence is a complete academic program that provides for diversity of talent and interest. GE has the broadest range of both core curriculum and elective subjects and allows students to explore and discover their strengths and passions. It provides curricular and extra curricular opportunities for students who love a combination of arts, sports, mathematics, science, language, literature, technology and humanities subjects. In year 11 and 12, students can select to complete VCE, VCE-VM or SBAT pathway.
A balance of arts, sports, mathematics, science, language, literature, technology and humanities subject
Rowville Secondary College aims to provide the highest quality education to all our students. Our mission is to equip each student with the skills needed to successfully live and work in Australian society. Positive attitudes to learning leading to excellence in outcomes will come from vibrant, challenging and exciting programs. The College staff work closely with parents and the community to ensure that these goals are achieved. Should you require further information about RSC, please do not hesitate to contact us.

- In Year 9 and 10, students will have the opportunity to select subject electives they are interested in.
- In Year 11 and 12, students will select their senior pathway option. We offer all senior pathways including VCE, VCE-VM and SBAT.
- Course selection takes place every year in July, early August, and our students entering Year 9 to Year 12 in the following year are counselled by our teachers and careers team.
- Visit our course selection website for more information.
- We offer our Year 10 students comprehensive one-on-one careers counselling, student and parent information sessions and the opportunity to attend careers expos. Our goal is to equip our students with everything they need to make the right decision about their senior pathway choice. We also have careers coordinators on both campuses.
- See below for the curriculum overview for each year level.
Year 7 Students
- English: 6 periods
- Maths: 6 periods
- LOTE (Italian): 6 periods
- Health & PE: 4 periods
- Science: 6 periods
- Humanities: 6 periods
- Design Technologies: 6 periods
- Digital Technologies: 6 periods
- Performing Arts: 6 periods
- Visual Arts: 6 periods
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
Year 8 Students
- English: 6 periods
- Maths: 6 periods
- Science: 4 periods
- Humanities: 4 periods
- LOTE (Italian): 6 periods
- Health & PE: 4 periods
- Digital Technology: 4 periods
- Design Technology: 4 periods
- Performing Arts: 6 periods
- Visual Arts: 6 periods
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
Year 9 Students
- English: 6 periods
- Maths: 6 periods
- 8 X 4 period electives
Must select at least two choices from each of Humanities and Science. May select LOTE (year long) and EAL (year-long), Arts and Technology.
- 4 x 6 period electives
Must select at least one choice from Health & PE, may select from Arts and Technology.
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
Year 10 Students
- English: 6 periods
- Maths: 6 periods
- 8 X 4 period electives
Choose from LOTE (year long), EAL (year long) and Vocational (year long), Humanities, Science, Technology, Health & PE and Arts.
- 4 x 6 period electives
Choose from Arts, Technology, Health & PE, VCE accelerated subjects (VCE subjects counts as two and are year long).
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
Year 11 Students
- 6 electives per year
- One elective must be a English subject choose from English, English Language, Literature or EAL.
Visit VCE course selection for elective choices.
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
4 study periods.
VCE VM students complete 5 subjects and 1 VET study in Year 11, and 4 subjects and a 1 VET study in Year 12. This will include:
- 4 Units of either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (2 of which must Unit 3 and 4)
- 2 units of either VCE Foundation Math, – General/Further Math, or Math Methods
- 2 units of Personal Development
- 2 units of Work Related Skills
- A VET certificate (180 nominal hours at Cert II or above)
- 6 -8 additional VCE or VM units of your choice.
Year 12 Students
- 5 electives per year
- One elective must be a English subject choose from English, English Language, Literature or EAL.
Visit VCE course selection for elective choices.
Total of 50 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
10 study periods.
VCE VM students complete 5 subjects and 1 VET study in Year 11, and 4 subjects and a 1 VET study in Year 12. This will include:
- 4 Units of either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (2 of which must Unit 3 and 4)
- 2 units of either VCE Foundation Math, – General/Further Math, or Math Methods
- 2 units of Personal Development
- 2 units of Work Related Skills
- A VET certificate (180 nominal hours at Cert II or above)
- 6 -8 additional VCE or VM units of your choice.